Went to Chinese Garden and Tortoise Museum with darling today!!!
Was so fun going out with her today la woohoo!!!!
Was so fun going out with her today la woohoo!!!!
But was very hot down there as darling keep saying i smelly cause i sweat a lot=(

And here we are, LET'S GO!=)

And here we are, LET'S GO!=)

These are the statues and views we took while walking to tortoise museum.
These are the statues that I like the most=)
There are more statues there but i didn't get a chances to take cos it was so bright and sunny!!! Will try to take it next time hee=)
Haha here are the poses that we pose under Confucius=)
Ahh!!! These are the photos that she took when I'm not notice!
Darling don't take my picture when I'm not ready la!!!

And finally we reach the Tortoise Museum!!!!
And it cost us 5bucks per entry=-=

These are the things that caught my attention when I'm in the museum.
Is it cool?!! Tortoise structure made by some kind of flowers on top and some tortoise eggs below(:

And here we are inside the museum already.
It's time for the tortoise to introduce themselves now!!

Enough of seeing all these small turtles and tortoise?
Ok we will some of the big ones below.
And now we are outside the museum where people fed the tortoise!!!


Haha darling was so scared the tortoise might bit her.

"HEY!! Watcha looking at? Cant you just let me finished my lunch before you take a picture of my my cute cute face?"
Haha darling was afraid of tortoise!!!
Darling got freak out by me!!
Bla it's not scary at all lo!!
Ok here goes the big tortoise are you ready??
On your mat...

Wow these are the big ones that i saw it there!

OH MY!!! THIS!!! This was the most scariest tortoise tortoise that I've seen my life.
You can actually brakes your bones when the moment it bite you!
After so much fun inside we went to Chinese Garden for a chilling and relax moment as the weather is really killing us.
Haha so much pattern eh?
Darling was unhappy when we sitting on the grass cause it makes her felt itchy and uneasy so we just only stay there for awhile and went for dinner=)

After dinner darling mom fetch us to Vivo City as we tot that we are going to catch movies with them but end up they are watching G-Force.
G-Force, hmm we've already watched it before so just only her parents and siblings went for the movie while darling and me happy slacking on the sky park=)
After that darling mom fetch us home and that's it for today..
Had a great and wonderful day again yay!!
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